
The handle of the misshapen knife blade bore the inscription
Capricorn, sparkled in the sun
Detective X jotted a few lines in her notepad, wondered
about numbers, toyed with strings, couldn’t quite get her head

a body, torn apart, an obvious revolution had taken place here,
the appendages rebelled, came off, smelled, blistered now under
hot sun

X, she a woman, dwelled for a while with the dead, reported
the facts, crossed over into an alternate reality where a sea goat stood
perched on its bluish tail, smiling at her as if welcoming the hunter
into the heart of hell…

she now fell…

The handle of the misshapen knife blade bore no particular markings of interest
Detective X jotted a few lines in her notepad, wondered
about numbers, toyed with strings, couldn’t quite get her head

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