
Slowly lift the plastic shade. Blue sky. Few clouds. A kind of visual quietude. Then a sound. A voice. “Do you need anything, sir?” I smile, looking up, “No. No thank you.” I return my gaze to the horizon. The air is music. Moves through me. Blends into ancient emotions. Melodies. Suggests the timelessness of an underlying reality. Befriends me. Holds me mesmerized. Reminds me of swimming pools I used to dream in. Those watery depths that had invited me to stay like a friend in need of some company. If she were form I would caress her face. Let her know that we are safe. But my life is not water bound. Nor meant for flight. I am earth. I am clay. I am often at odds with being thus made. I want to experience the weightlessness of life unencumbered by the flesh. I want to go off leash for just a moment to run freely amongst infinity. To unknow the meaning of linear certainty. To witness the birth of the soul. To no longer be what I can no longer bear to be. Earthbound. Of this earth. Your golem.

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