A means to begin

Lake  fire mire your soul a whole world of opportunity desire reeks of power unjust i read the dailies a meteor comes i’m hitching my thumbs for a ride to a place far away from me ameliorate obfuscate revalidate an intensity that blossoms has blossomed has reproduced will fall will crawl will live again or not who can be certain what lies beyond the curt and fray the every day the moon a Dane a shepherd calls a voice is herd of sheep we are i’m not crying anymore i’m not that boy anymore i am not set in stone i am ever changing a changeling an embracing of chaos and this is love can you love can you forego those snappy judgements and see reality for what it is doubtful on this day more growth must come will come will flow will know still no out a way in a kind sin only begs for isolation frustration that a friend will not know me though futility can show me that my path is wrong and that the song of my heart shines a light on a chord of resignation to the fact that what i have called stagnation is the way to an enlightened station and sometimes a turning away is not an acquiescence but a means to begin.

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